pp108 : Performing Operations in Process Instance Manager

Performing Operations in Process Instance Manager

This topic describes the procedure to perform operations on business process instances from the Process Instance Manager (PIM).

To control the process instances during run-time, you need to perform certain operations in the Process Instance Manager.
You can perform the following operations in the Process Instance Manager.

  • Suspend: Pause or hold a waiting or running process instance.
  • Resume : Restart a suspended process instance.
  • Restart: Restart an aborted process instance.
  • Restart All: Restart all the aborted process instances for a particular model or over a selection of models.
  • Terminate: Stop a process instance that is not completed.
  1. In My Applications palette, click (Process Instance Manager). The Process Instance Manager appears, displaying a list of business processes that contain process instances.
  2. Do one of the following to suspend, resume, restart, or terminate a process instance:




  • Right click the link that indicates the number of instances in waiting state and select Suspend Waiting Process Instances.
  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in running state and select Suspend Running Process Instances.


  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in waiting state and select Terminate Aborted Process Instances.
  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in suspended state and select Terminate Suspended Process Instances.
  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in debug ready state and select Terminate Debug Ready Process Instances.
  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in debug state and select Terminate Debug Process Instances.


  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in suspended state and select Resume Suspended Process Instances.
  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in debug ready state and select Resume Debug Ready Process Instances.


  • Right click the link that indicates number of instances in aborted state and select Restart Aborted Process Instances.

    Restart option works only when you select specific aborted process instances that are listed in the table. You can use Restart All option when you want to restart all the aborted process instances that are related to the selected instance. The selection of such instances can be based on multiple process models. Restart All option will operate even on those instances that are not explicitly displayed in the table.

3. You can do one of the following in the progress indication window.

  • Click Start to start process instances that are suspended, resumed, restarted, or terminated.
  • Click Stop to stop process instances that are running, resumed, restarted, or terminated.
  • Click Restart to restart process instances that are stopped or finished, resumed, or terminated.
  • Click Finish to finish the resumed, restarted, or terminated process instances.

Related tasks

Viewing Process Instances
Viewing a Process Instance in Graphical View
Viewing Activities of a Process Instance
Viewing Sub-processes of a Process Instance
Viewing the Message and Error Text of a Process Instance
Viewing a Process Instance Message Map
Skipping an Activity

Related reference

Filter Process Instances Interface
Instances by Process Definition Interface